Saturday, April 17, 2010

Revit 2011 New Release

So, I haven't posted anything in a long while, and I should explain.

What have I been up to?
- Recently got my Authorization to Test letter regarding my Architectural Registration
- Started studying for the ARE4.0 tests (all 7 of them)
- Transitioned an office from AutoCAD to Revit 2010 from June 2009 to November 2009
- Moved to Canada to work at the office I formally transitioned
- Started working on the biggest project I have ever done (Revit or otherwise)

So, I know that's nonsense because everyone else I know is just as busy, but there it is.

Today, I am happy to say that I successfully installed Revit 2011 and managed to crash it within 5 minutes of use!! Not a good start Autodesk.

What did I do to get there?

- Install software with all options and activate upon first open.
- Opened the Sample project Autodesk supplied.
- Opened the options dialog
- Imported my 2010 keyboard shortcuts and added one for the Isolate Element command
- Changed the graphic background from light to dark
- Turned off the view cube
- Left Hardware Graphics Acceleration On (my fatal flaw)
- Changed library locations to network setup
- Perused a few other dialogs for new settings
- Then I moved the QAT to below the ribbon
- Played with the Isolate shortcut I just set
- Turned off all the balloon notifications and subscription center information

And then when hitting OK from the search bar option it happened. Crash!

I sent my Error Report in and told them all the same things, except that when I opened Revit 2011 again I was prompted with the warning that Hardware acceleration was turned off and software acceleration was being used instead. So much for trying it out and seeing how it went. My hand has been played for me.

1 comment:

Sylvia Leuenaar said...


I've got quite similar issue here but i'm not that good in Revit so I can't describe it as precisely as you... But I have same thing with black Revit main view and my project browser seemed to go out of Revit borders but unfortunately i couldn't even find it on external monitor. I don't know where it disappeared when i dragged it on the side. I reported my problem to Autodesk but as always I didn't receive no answer. Maybe I will get it in half a year when I will be repeating my semester because of Revit problem or I will have to try with slower AutoCAD. I hope you will fix your problem and if you have any conclusion of what could happen to my Revit please, write me back.